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freelance html5 game developer uk
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Freelance HTML5 Game Developer UK

Emma Bowerbank game developer Tim Bowerbank developing 2D HTML5 games

Building your 2D HTML5 Games

Two friendly, creative freelancers building your 2D HTML5 games for the primary education market. Jargon-free advice and guidance through to final delivery of your game.


We develop 2D games for playing in the browser or as an app

Image of Tim Bowerbank freelance html5 game developer UK Image of Emma Bowerbank - freelance html5 game developer UK

Hi! We're Emma and Tim Bowerbank, UK-based game developers. We specialise in creating 2D HTML5 games for the primary education marketplace. For playing in the browser or as an app.

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Device friendly

Our browser or app games are compatible with many devices. From interactive whiteboards to iPads or Chromebooks.


Creativity and code to engage the young minds of your target audience.


We can work with your artists and animators. Or create the assets in-house. Whatever works best for you.


There for you each step of the way, from vision through to testing and launching your game.

Combined coding experience of 30+ years - and still loving it!

Image of child playing one of our html5 games on a tablet

1. What can we do for you?

We specialise in creating 2D games for the primary education market. The games usually have a teaching goal in mind, for example, to learn how to use full stops, or times tables. The games that we create are compatible with a range of devices. For example, interactive whiteboards, Chromebooks, iPads and Android tablets.

Through creativity and code we engage young minds. Exciting them about their learning adventure. And encouraging them to continue with their learning.

The games can focus on any aspect of primary education, all the way from language through to history. And we can support you in creating content around the games. For example, printable worksheets that use the game’s characters.

We always aim to ensure that our games are easy to play. Easy to understand so that players spend more time playing and learning. Intuitive is the name of the game… so to speak!

We’ll help you to grow and structure your ideas into a solution that works well for your target audience. We work best when you already have a game idea in mind. From here, we can add in our creativity if needed. All project ideas go through a feasibility stage.

We don’t do tile based games or games that have high intensity graphics. For example, MineCraft or Angry Birds. If you’re targeting juniors or older, then we’re not the game developer for you.

2. Storyboarding

During the development process, one very important stage is storyboarding. We’ll use this to sketch out the details of the game. For example, the animations for each character. The functionality for each game object and how they interact with other objects.

These will be rough sketches so that their creation can be quick. The storyboards will help to nail down collective vision for the game. And can be reworked as ideas evolve.

3. Wireframing

We often use a web development approach to mock-up game screens. This approach is wireframing. We use the Adobe XD software to do this. You will receive an interactive version of all the screens in your game. We will take elements from the storyboards to bring the wireframes to life.

From here we can move into supporting you with character design and their scenes.

4. Character design and scenes

We can work with your character designer or we can design the characters in house. If you have a certain style in mind then we recommend you use a freelancer that specialises in that style. Our character design is simple and straight-forward but it may not be what you want.

Throughout the character design phase you need to be thinking how the character will animate. More complex character designs can lead to more animation effort.

With regards to background scenes. If you have a certain style in mind then we recommend that you use an artist specialising in that style. Again, more complexity doesn’t always add more value to the game player.

5. Animation

Depending on the character design we can do simple animations. From characters jumping through to bursts of stars exploding from an object.

We’re also very happy to work with your animator. In this situation, then we need to have the characters sprite sheets and JSON data provided to us. We use the TexturePacker software for our animations. We can discuss this direct with your animator to ensure that we have compatible formats.

*What’s a sprite sheet? It’s one large image file with all your animations on. The JSON data provided with it pinpoints each frame. And specifies how the animations flow, i.e. which animation frame follows the one before. *

6. Sound effects, voice-over and music

We’re very happy to find sound effects for your game. Or if your budget is small then we can direct you to good sources for audio.

If you need music or voice overs then we recommend that you use a sound studio. And they deliver the mp3 files to us.

7. Testing

We approach game development in an agile way. The goal is to get a minimal viable product out as soon as possible for testing. With feedback from the user we can adjust the game so that you achieve your learning outcome. For example, it may be that a button is difficult to use and needs to be bigger. Or the audio needs refining.

8. Play in the browser or in an app

HTML5 apps use the canvas element. It provides enormous scope for creating and animating graphics. It also means that your game is compatible with devices that support the canvas element. This includes all tablets, desktops, and mobile phones.

You can also create apps from html5, javascript and CSS. These are the coding tools we use to create your game. If you need your game as an app rather than a browser based game then we compile to iOS and Android.

We will discuss this with you from the outset.

9. Monetising your content

If you have plans to monetise your content then we can help integrate advertising into your game. Or link to your e-commerce store.

10. Tools and libraries

Currently, we’re using CreateJS’s libraries: EaselJS, TweenJS, SoundJS and PreloadJS. We have plans to start using Pixi JS instead of CreateJS in the future.

All the above are open source with a community of contributors to keep the libraries up to date.

11. Next steps

We’re based in the UK, but can work with you wherever you may be. Call or email and we can organise a Google Hangout to discuss your game project.

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