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Jekyll developer UK
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Jekyll Developer UK

Emma Bowerbank Tim Bowerbank

Helping you achieve a super-fast website with Jekyll

Two friendly freelancers that specialise in Jekyll - a robust static site generator. Perfect for simple blogs and websites. We can create, maintain, refresh the design and upgrade your Jekyll powered static site.


Helping you with your Jekyll projects

Jekyll Developer Tim Bowerbank image of Emma Bowerbank web developer

We're two Jekyll developers based in the UK - working with you wherever you may be. We're looking forward to discussing how we can help you. From creating new layouts for your site or simply ensuring you're running on the latest version.

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Performance Driven

Inherit all the performance and security advantages of a statically generated site. There if you need us to make performance enhancements.

Layout Upgrades

Supporting you with the creation and integration of new layouts.


Helping you maintain your website and ensuring it's running on the latest version.

Migration Support

Supporting you migrating to or away from Jekyll. We handle migrations from WordPress, Joomla and others.

Helpful advice and development services for your statically generated site

Our SSG Reviews

Some nice comments about our projects

We specialise in static site generators. And we always go the extra mile to ensure that your site is optimised for speed, accessibility and ease of editing.

"Pendigital put in so much work behind the scenes to make sure everything loads as quickly as possible, and to make the site robust and user-friendly. I had many requests along the way, which Tim was always more than happy to implement for me. I feel like I now have a website I can really be proud of. Thanks Tim!"

Naomi Jenkin

Naomi Jenkin Art

"We used Pendigital to build our new website and we’re really pleased with it. Pendigital were very easy to work with. The site looks great, is fast to load and is already generating enquiries for us. Tim helped us throughout the process, making sure we understood all the different aspects of web design from planning it through to the options for managing the content and accessibility. We would highly recommend Pendigital if you’re thinking about getting a new website."

Kirsty Jewell

Jewell Construction

Image of Jewell Construction Jekyll website

1. How can Pendigital support you?

We can support you in the following ways:

1.1 New Site Creation

If you have a new site and would like to gain the advantages of a Jekyll site then we can help. Whilst Jekyll was our primary tool for building static sites, we now, as a default, use Eleventy. We're happy to build a Jekyll site for you if this is your preference. But, we'd also like to discuss Eleventy and all its benefits.

We can build:

  • New sites from scratch - either from wireframes or not
  • Use existing Jekyll themes
  • Use a theme that you may have purchased from a theme merchant such as Envato

1.2 Performance enhancements

This isn't referring to build-time (if that is a problem then an upgrade to Eleventy would sort your build speed issues). This is more to do with PageSpeed Insights scores. I.e. how fast your web pages are loading.

We can support you with the following page speed enhancements:

  • Reducing the amount of CSS and Javascript required in your site
  • Add in WebP support
  • Adding functionality for responsive images
  • Lazy loading of components
  • And more!

Please note if your theme is from a theme seller, performance optimization can be challenging as often Javascript is bundled and not modular.

1.3 Upgrading to the latest version

If your website is running an old version then we can support you with upgrading you to the latest. This depends on any plugin dependencies that you may already be using. We'd need to look at your config yaml file and then check the plugins against this to see if there are any potential conflicts.

At the time of writing the current version is: 4.3.3.

1.4 Refreshing your site's design

We have strong HTML and CSS design skills and can support you with refreshing the design of your website.

Specifically, we can help with the following:

  • Creating complete new layouts
  • Creating individual components for an existing layout. And integrating them into your markdown files' front matter.

1.5 Adding a blog, or adding landing pages

You may have a marketing website without a blog. In which case we can support you with adding a blog. Or, if you have a blog without any landing pages then we can support you with creating new standard pages.

1.6 Adding site search functionality

If your site is hosted with CloudCannon then we can code a search solution for you. This can search the whole site or just portions of it - depending on what you need.

1.7 Integrating with a content management system

Our preferred content management system is CloudCannon. Though we have experience with Decap CMS also.

CloudCannon comes with many features that can be explored here.

2. What is Jekyll?

If you're new to static site generators then you may not have heard of it. But it's probably safe to say that Jekyll is the most famous of all the static site generators.

Remember, static site generators take your content in text files (markdown usually) and merge them with HTML layouts. They output the merged HTML files for consuming by your web visitors.

You can read more about what is a static site generatorin our article about it.

A couple of facts for those that are interested:

  • It was launched in 2008
  • Tom Preston-Werner, famous as one of the founders of GitHub, was the pioneer behind it

This series of articles by Mike Neumegen of CloudCannon are fascinating.

3. Let's discuss your project

We're looking forward to discuss your project and seeing how we can help you.

Contact us to start the discussion.

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