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Freelance Angular Developer UK

Emma Bowerbank Tim Bowerbank

Helping you build and maintain Angular web apps

Two friendly freelancers helping you build your projects from scratch, or helping you maintain a project. Beautiful UIs, logical structure, quality code and jargon-free advice.


We build Angular web applications

angular developer Tim Bowerbank Emma Bowerbank - supporting your angular project

Hi, we're two freelance Angular developers based in the UK - Cornwall. You can hire us for projects wherever you may be. We can build from scratch or support you with an existing project.

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Wide-range of projects

Undertaking a wide range of new projects. From dynamic marketing sites through to admin systems or even a single web component.

Maintenance and upgrades

Supporting you with upgrading your web app. And fixing bugs to ensure that your system runs smoothly.

Beautiful UIs

Strong CSS skills for the styling of great looking components. Helping you to design your UI, or working direct from your predesigned wireframes.

SEO and Accessibility

If relevant, always keeping SEO at the forefront of the project. And ensuring that your web app is accessible to whatever level you need to please your users.

A wonderful framework - opinionated code, great tooling, exceptional performance!

image of a user using a web application

1. How we can help you

Whether you need a web app created from scratch or you need a current system updated or fixed - then we can help you.

The support we can provide includes:

  • General introductory advice: Oriented around Angular and single page apps.
  • Consultancy: If you don't have a project brief or scope of work then we can support creating this for you. See our web and app consultancy service.
  • Wire-framing: Helping you create your web app wireframes
  • Presentation: Building and styling your web components in HTML. Direct from wireframes, including Figma.
  • Coding / building the app: Building the app, maintaining, or bug-fixing.
  • Deployment: Deployment of your app to hosting, and backing it up
  • Search engine optimisation: Ensuring that your web app is indexable by Google search crawlers.
  • Implementing third-party code: For example: Google Tag Manager.
  • Plus more...

It's worth bearing in mind that we are a micro business - just two people. We don't outsource any of our projects. So, we're suited to small to medium-sized jobs. Or larger projects over a longer timeframe. Naturally, it totally depends on your needs and the complexity of your project. Some projects are simply too big for us and need a software house to manage them. We'll always give a quick response if this is the situation.


2. Consultancy service

Transparency is key to us. We always like to ensure that you know [exactly] what you're buying from us. And we like to build from a well-defined scope of work.

2.1 Project briefs

To provide you with a price for your project, then we need a project brief. We're happy for you to supply this to us. Or, if you don't have one, then we can write one for you - check out our consultancy services.

2.2 Scope of work

Once you've contracted with Pendigital. Then we need a scope of work. This is the document that will guide us throughout your build (it is an expanded project brief).

Please note: we always include a discovery phase in the project to help us nail down the scope of work.

If you'd like to see versions of a project brief and a scope of work then please let us know and we can provide examples.


3. Project feasibility testing

Depending on your requirements, we often carry out feasibility testing. For example, if your web app's functionality depends on a third-party NPM package, then we will test that during this phase. We will do this before any work begins to give both us and you peace of mind.


4. From wireframes to HTML

With wireframes, we can work with you in two ways.

4.1 Work from your wireframes

If you're working with a design / UI team then we can create the HTML components required for your app direct from the wireframes.

4.2 Create a set of wireframes

If you don't have any wireframes, then we can create these as part of the project. We use Figma as a tool to do this. Figma is great as it allows comments and keeps a file history.

Wireframes can either be medium or high-fidelity. Medium if you're flexible with your design requirements, or high-fidelity if you need greater control.

Once we have the wireframes signed off, then it's time to build out the components of your web app in HTML. Styled to match your designs.

We will build all the components in pure HTML and CSS. We share this with you via a secure web link. From here, you'll be able to test how the components look on different sized screens and approve them.

If your designs include Material components, then we may omit these in the initial HTML. Or, depending on the complexity of your project we may go straight to building it.


5. Building from Figma wireframes

Figma is a very popular tool for building out your wireframes. So, if your app is at an early stage of build, then we recommend Figma. From our perspective, it's a great tool for us to create your web app from as well.

Figma provides us with:

  • All the necessary dimensions in pixels
  • Font references
  • Colour references
  • Responsive breakpoints
  • And more...


6. From HTML to web app

Once all your designs in HTML are approved then we will move to building your application. Throughout the build we provide regular updates via Slack. This can include the web app via secure html link, screenshots, screen videos and more.

Throughout the build we will thoroughly test your app to ensure it works smoothly and can handle unexpected events.


7. Databases for your project

We're big fans of serverless infrastructures for your backend. Our preferred solutions include:

  • Firebase: Provides a NoSQL database, authentication (i.e. logging in and out), hosting your app, storage, crashlytics and more...
  • Supabase: Provides a PostgreSQL database, authentication, storage and more...
  • Azure SQL Database: via a C#.NET REST API.


8. Content management systems - Sanity, headless WordPress, custom

Adding a CMS to your project: We have experience with working with the Sanity headless CMS. It's a great tool and has many pricing options - ideal for when just starting and equally more mature projects.

We're also exploring using WordPress as a headless CMS utilizing advanced custom fields. So many businesses love WordPress so this could be a great option for you if you're familiar with this CMS.

We can also build you a bespoke CMS if your requirements are more complex.


9. Hosting and deployment

Generally, we use Firebase or Netlify to host your project. All our projects are stored on a Git repo meaning we can deploy direct to Firebase or Netlify with ease.


10. Reactive programming (RxJS) / Signals

We've always loved the reactive nature of web apps and the opinionated approach of this javascript framework. We regularly use the RxJS library with our projects. And we're also very excited about the introduction of Signals and will be using these more in future.


11. Web Components

If you're looking for functionality as a widget embedded in another website. For example, you may have a WordPress website or a statically generated site. Then we're able to create web components for your site. We use Angular Elements for this.

Good examples, could be:

  • Sales configurators
  • Blog comments (if not WordPress)
  • Sales support chat
  • Using a third party API, e.g. tides and weather


12. CSS Frameworks (Sass and CSS)

We have experience with the following CSS frameworks:

  • Bootstrap 3, 4 and 5
  • Material design
  • Bulma
  • Tailwind


13. Accessibility

This is a top priority for us. We always like to ensure that your web app includes those with a disability. We always ensure that any code has:

  • Strong use of semantic HTML tags
  • ARIA labels
  • Skip to content and more...

Check out our article on improving accessibility.


14. Angular and SEO

We also have a great deal of experience with search engine optimization. The Google team have made great advances in server side rendering - this is marvellous. This means that your web app will be fully indexable by search engine crawlers.


15. Looking forward to discussing your project

We look forward to discussing your project and seeing how we can support you.

Please contact us to discuss in more detail.

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Helping you navigate the complex world of web and apps

Helpful guidance, profitable solutions

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