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CloudCannon Developer UK
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CloudCannon Developer UK

Emma Bowerbank Tim Bowerbank

Helping you get the best CMS editing experience

Two friendly freelancers helping you with the CloudCannon content management system for static sites. If you love the page builder type approach but also need a fast website then you'll love this CMS.


We're official CloudCannon experts. Great features, simple to use...

CloudCannon Developer Tim Bowerbank Image of Emma Bowerbank web developer

We're two CloudCannon developers based in the UK. The best CMS for your high performance statically generated website.

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An easy to use visual CMS. Build complex landing pages whilst maintaining control of your brand with ease.

Super Fast Hosting

Comes with hosting on a super fast global content delivery network. Wherever your customers are they'll experience lightning fast content.

Peace of mind

Forget about frequent CMS system and plugin updates that might crash your site. This CMS is software as a service.

Every edit Back-ups

Your site backs up to your preferred remote repo on every amend. It's Git based - the ultimate in version control.

Helpful migration to a world-class content management system

CloudCannon Feature Summary

Powering secure and fast sites

An award winning content management system for static site generators. We help your business get the best from it.

Image of CloudCannon website
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For statically built sites

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Visual editor

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Build complex on-brand landing pages

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Secure - only exposes HTML

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Comes with hosting

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Global content delivery network

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CSS, JS auto compression

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Custom domains

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SSL certificate included

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Git based workflows

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Migrations from WordPress

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Migrations from other CMS

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Beautiful UI

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Optimised components for speed

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Optimised components for accessibility

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Edit headers and footers

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SEO features

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And more!

Image of the Scientific Services website which is a CloudCannon hosted site

1. Amazing features...

We think these are CloudCannon's best features. No wonder it recently won three G2 software awards - 'Best Support', 'Users Most Likely to Recommend' and 'Easiest Admin'.

1.1 Visual editing

If you love a page builder type approach then you'll love the visual editor. We'll code your website so that you can build complex landing pages and then edit them visually.

1.2 On-brand landing pages

Typical page builders provide a lot of freedom. In our opinion, too much. It's easy to stray away from your brand guidelines with vast arrays of font, color and spacing options (to name just a few options).

Not so with this CMS. Build out complex landing pages from your pre-styled library of components. Drop in your text, images, and other content assets and let the system take care of maintaining your brand styles.

1.3 Security

Your website will be super-secure. Only HTML is exposed to any would-be attackers. This isn't good for hackers as they can't do much with pure HTML.

If you're coming from a WordPress type content management system. Then you can also forget about pesky and frequent system and plugin updates. System updates that can crash your site. This isn't the case with CloudCannon as its software as a service. Their team look after the system so you don't have to.

We've been using it since 2018 and not once has any of their system updates affected our websites.

1.4 Fast global content delivery network

CloudCannon uses CloudFlare's super fast global network. Your website visitors will experience fast loads no matter where they may be in the world. Our Pendigital site is as fast here in the UK as it is in Australia or the US.

1.5 Out-of-the-box asset optimization

The system will automatically minify and compress (gzip) any CSS and Javascript files for your site. This minification and compression means lighter-weight files (in kilobytes). This means quicker download speeds.

We can also configure it so any uploaded images are resized and compressed.

1.6 Custom domains and HTTPS support

Easily point your custom domain at CloudCannon or we can set up its DNS to handle your domain.

SSL certificates that allow connections over HTTPS are free by default for their customers. It uses ZeroSSL and CloudFlare to enable this feature.

1.7 Easy working with your developer

It's is Git based. This underpins all aspects of your site, which means you get all the advantages of a world-class version control system. It also means that it's very easy for your developer to work on your website. They can easily push their amends to your Git repo and this triggers a new build.

Need some new components. As your developer, we can work on those. And then deploy them easily. The next time you log into your components library, you'll be able to use them, dropping them into your pages.

2. How we work with CloudCannon

2.1 Integrating with Eleventy or Jekyll static site generators

We're experienced in using the Eleventy and Jekyll static site generators. We can integrate these site builders into the platform.

2.2 Great looking components

We'll build you great looking components that you can construct high converting landing pages from. We can build these from your Figma designs, design them from scratch or reproduce from your existing site.

These components will be:

  • Optimised for speed - using the minimal amount of HTML, CSS and Javascript.
  • Optimised for accessibility - using semantic tags and ARIA labels where appropriate

Read more on Pendigital and Eleventy and Jekyll.

2.3 Great blogging

We can create you a blog with features, such as categories, tags, and pagination. And add in blog commenting via Disqus.

2.4 Configuration

We'll configure CloudCannon in the exact way that you would like to use it.

2.5 Staging sites

We can create staging sites for you so that content can be previewed and proofed before going 'live'.

2.6 Be in control - headers, footers, navigation

We'll enable editing of all aspects of your website. From the navigation menus through to all aspects of the content of your website's header and footer.

2.7 Search engine optimisation

All our sites are configured so that you have all the on-page SEO tools you need to build your search engine presence.

For example:

  • Title tag
  • Meta description tag
  • Heading tags
  • Bold / strong tags

We also ensure that your site is indexable through sitemap.xml (which automatically updates with every new page). And any duplicate content can be marked with Canonical links.

Please note that Yoast isn't compatible. We recommend Moz on page SEO chrome extension with a Moz account.

2.8 Social media Open Graph Tags

Our sites also come with all the social media open graph tags you will need. So that your web visitors can share the exact message you want shared across social media platforms.

2.9 Helpful migrations from other content management systems

We can migrate your website from:

  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Drupal
  • Webflow
  • Wix
  • Squarespace

Please note that this would need a new web build of your website.


Before migrating we'd conduct a feasibility test to ensure that there is a good fit with your site. This would look at all the functionality of your existing site and your future requirements.

3. Looking forward to discussing your static site content management system

We're looking forward to discussing your new content management system. We're happy to provide demos plus discuss the ins and outs of your migration (if relevant).

Please contact us to get your project going.

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